Getting started with compute

It is incredibly simple to get started with access to secure, reliable virtual machines (VMs) on Foundry's platform:

  1. Add your SSH key: Add your SSH key (Security tab) or let Foundry create one for you that will auto-download. Remember to keep your private SSH key safe. Any instances created will add all SSH keys on the Security tab at time of provisioning.

  2. Choose to spin up a new reserved instance or spot instance:

    • Reserved blocks instances: Access dedicated VMs for short-term reservations for exactly your desired duration, as low as 3 hours to as long as 2 weeks with 1-hour increment flexibility. You pay for exactly what you need (e.g., a 1 week training job). Prices for reserved blocks instances are dynamically determined based on the spot market price and remain fixed for the duration of your reservation.

    • Spot instances: Access spot VMs through an exchange-based mechanism by setting limit price bids (i.e., you have guaranteed, instant access to compute whenever your bid is higher than market price, but if the market price were to go beyond your bid, you would be pre-empted with a 5m warning). Everyone is always billed at the same price at any given time based on the the set of limit price bids.

  3. Access your nodes by SSHing to the provided IP address.

If you would like a traditional long-term reserve contract, contact to discuss pricing and options.

Last updated